Objective: To monitor and inform
Operational Tracking Training ©
Combat tracking is a crucial technique in anti-poaching operations to track and hunt poachers. This technique is similar to animal tracking, but it requires special skill to spot hidden signs and human characteristics. Using our Combat Tracker and Tracking Patrol training courses , learn to recognize the signs left by poachers to gain crucial information and defeat the enemy. Contact us now to learn more about the importance of combat tracking in anti-poaching operations.
What is combat tracking?
Combat tracking is a core skill in military and anti-poaching units, enabling them to gather intelligence, locate the enemy or recover lost personnel. Jungle Survival offers tailored training for professionals and individuals, including survival, anti-poaching and expeditionary first aid. Their expertise comes from over 30 years of expeditions in the jungles and seas of the world, and their team of trainers is made up of former members of jungle commando units, guerrillas and local Indians, as well as anti-poaching units. To produce a quality tracker, an organisation must not adopt a "assembly line approach". The person chosen to carry out these functions in a tactical environment must possess a number of skills and characteristics. A tracker is a member of a cohesive, well-disciplined unit whose primary mission is to track their subject, who is most likely armed, dangerous, and more knowledgeable about the terrain and environment than the tracker or the unit they are part of. While this is not an exhaustive list, there are some key characteristics to consider when selecting potential candidates to become future trackers. A tracker must be honest, humble, patient, and persistent. They must have an analytical and curious mind, acute sensory skills, mental and physical stamina, personal initiative, aggressiveness, tenacity, and self-reliance. In addition, a tracker must master the art of tracking as well as other skills necessary to accomplish their mission. Specialized training offers valuable skills for professionals and individuals, whether in anti-poaching, defense, or security as a private contractor.