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CRAJ patrouille
CRAJ patrouille

The technical and tactical know-how of the former Jungle Search and Action Commandos for the benefit of anti-poaching units


Tracking Patrol

"We are the hunters of the night, the shadows that stalk relentlessly. The poacher will never be able to sleep soundly again."

Tracking patrols are a key skill in anti-poaching units. They help gather information, locate poachers or find lost personnel. The patrol leader and his teammates play a crucial role as the eyes and noses of the troop. Their ability to detect traffickers, poachers or enemies makes them a complementary tool to modern search means. In history Tracking patrols have increased the operational capabilities of large combat units such as battalions and brigades. Specialized training, such as that offered by Jungle Survival, offers valuable skills for professionals and individuals, whether in anti-poaching, defense or security as a private contractor.

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Modules taught

  • General information on the tropical environment (instructions, dangers, etc.)

  • Equipment, tracking log and food (management, tips)

  • Different tactical bivouac techniques

  • Tracking mission preparation

  • The basic acts of the patrol

  • Observation methods

  • Immediate action techniques tracking patrol

  • Counter tracking

  • Against ambushes

  • Analysis of signs: who, with whom, when, what, where, how, in what physical and psychological conditions

  • Profiling "intuitive mind"

  • Methods of arrest

  • Evacuation methods

  • Study and use of long weapons (in airsoft replica)

  • Topography (fundamentals, specific jungle topography)

  • Data collection and reporting


Pedagogy deployed

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For us, teaching is a real passion. We have developed an adapted and effective teaching method, the result of our culture and our expertise in training. Thanks to our experience overseas, particularly in Africa, we have acquired unique expertise in the transmission of know-how. We are former non-commissioned officers of the Jungle Research and Action Commandos (CRAJ), graduates of different combat schools and seasoned in intelligence, research and punchy action. The CRAJ are the only Western jungle commando unit to carry out counter-trafficker and guerrilla missions throughout the year. Our approach is focused on engagement and fluidity of learning. We integrate a lot of "drill" and promote cohesion and team spirit for a unique training experience. We cover relevant topics and set a sustained pace to maintain the attention of our students. We have also adapted tactical terms to facilitate understanding and strengthen the effectiveness of our training. With our unique method, we guarantee convincing results for all our learners.

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